Mail to Michael J.Fox
Dear Michael:
As an acupuncture doctor practice in Taiwan. I'd love to share an experience with you.
Patient of mine. Male. Around 70. Who already suffer for Parkinson disease over 10 years
His arms always shaking.
I do API (acupuncture point injection) for 50 times. And found his arms already can control by his will.
When he focus his mind on his both hand, the shaking stop. The improvement supports my theory about Parkinson disease.
Every brain problem comes from lack of oxygen support to brain tissue. To help blood circulation is the key to heal any symptom on brain.
My treatment is:
1. Use Vitamin B12 or B complex as injection material.
2. The API point is:
It’s only a point. But point area around neck is good for help blood circulation to brain.
3. The injection may feel some sour or dull pain, but it will go away with in 15 minute.
4. The material we use is for IV. So it'll perfectly safe for IM injection. The only side effect
Is the uncomfortable above. No more.
Sorry for my poor English. But viewing your documentary in HBO deeply touches me.
I hope my experience can help.
Michael Tsai
I am trying to visit Lomita L.A again. Now I am focus on Treat stroke patient which is also the same problem lack of oxygen on brain. And we do it pretty well.
Most of stroke patient we treat in very early stage, the result always perfect.
Michael Tsai
API stand for Acupuncture Point Injection. The intensive and fastist way to heal CVA.and brand new way to acupuncture.
MRI -- My master

API treatment